Recently I had the "opportunity" to go out and shovel/plow my driveway and sidewalks. I don't really mind doing this, except for on those unusually cold windy days, so the time spent outside can be refreshing.
This time however I finished my work and realized that even though the snow had been removed there were still patches of ugly gray ice that did not want to be removed. It seemed to have a mind of its own and only relented after a lot of hacking, scraping, and salting.
That reminded me a lot of what it can be like to follow Christ. His blood covers us and makes us "white as snow" but often we don't allow this covering to replace the ugliness underneath. We like to cling to our hold habits, customs, cultural norms, and sins. To the world we may look clean, but to Christ we are works in progress.
This is the beauty of following Christ though. He doesn't quit. And although it can be quite painful for us, He continues to gently scrape away layer after layer of sin and debris. Finally to make sure the ice/sin doesn't return, the salt of his word is administered regularly through the work of the Holy Spirit.
I guess this puts shoveling into a whole new perspective for me now.