The term "submission" is a cause of great concern to many who hear it and for many rightly so. Those who have submitted to someone only to have themselves abused, abandoned, or taken advantage of definitely would seem to have a legitimate argument against submission in any form.
But recently borrowing an idea from Richard Foster regarding the discipline of submission, I realized that God deals with this all the time. The perfect act of submission, demonstrated through the act of Christ on the cross, has been abused, abandoned, and, yes taken advantage of (in the negative sense) by all of us at some point in our lives. This realization caused me to understand submission in a whole new light.
Submission as many of my missionary friends would tell you, is essential to experience all the sweetness of life that God has to offer. Submission you see takes us to the place where we no longer have to be burdened by our own selfish interests and desires, but where we can tap into the Beloved and derive our satisfaction and worth from the knowledge that we have been found pleasing in HIS sight. Truly sweet indeed!