If you're reading this then you've either already glossed over the title or have read through the article linked to in it. Either way I encourage you to reread the article. Often times we forget that following Christ should be costly. In North Korea, picking-up your cross and following Christ has an almost literal meaning. That made me stop and think about costs.
What has following Christ cost me? Sadly, or gratefully, I'm not sure exactly which, I've not had to sacrifice too much. I've been blessed to live in a country where religious freedom is (or at least used to be promoted) and where there is a distinct separation between state and church. Quite a comfortable position. Yet this comfort has a cost as well. It has led me to a state of weakened faith, one that often lacks luster, a faith that at times seems to border on the kind of luke-warmness Jesus often warns about in Revelation. I don't always hunger and thirst for God's Word because it is so readily available here. Also because of my comfortable state, I often shy away from doing what is right.
Perhaps then this should be my outlook, if I am to be a faithful follower of Christ here in the U.S. I must be willing to give up comfort. Can I pray, Lord make me uncomfortable so my faith and love for you will grow strong? Am I willing to do this? Are you? Christ was and Christ did!