Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pardons for Turkeys

It is that most wonderful time of year again -- the best holiday of the year as far as I am concerned -- yes it's Thanksgiving.  Turkey Day as I (and I'm sure many others) like to call it is a great time to celebrate the four Fs that make my life merely complete: Faith, Family, Food, and of course, Football (NFL-style that is).

I have no doubt that I will spend much time with each of these during this wonderful civic holiday which fits so nicely into my calendar year.  Yet as I think about what it means to be thankful, I realize just how much ingratitude I show my Lord and Savior throughout the year and this thought bothers me a bit.

I don't always live out my faith the way I should.  My Gospel proclamations get compromised for the sake of social acceptance.  My Christ-like nature is quickly replaced with petty anger or self-righteousness.  As a Christian, I find myself walking the ground like a turkey rather than soaring on wings like eagles.

Fortunately however, I do have a saving grace.  Just like the lucky official presidential turkeys, I have been pardoned.  I have been set free and can start each new day with a fresh start, a clean slate if you will.  The purchase price of this Pardon was high - Christ's death on the cross, but as the song goes, "because He lives, I can face tomorrow."

Remembering this pardon causes me to be all the more thankful for the opportunity I have to share the Good News and it is a pardon I hope all of you will get to experience.  Happy Thanksgiving to all you Turkeys like me out there.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

God Loves You!

Sitting down at my computer tonight, I realized that I have an tendency to over-analyze things.  I often try to make spiritual connections between the daily happenings of life and my faith even when/if those connections aren't there.

I somehow believe if I can just somehow "spiritualize" the matter at hand, it must have come from God and must be written about and shared with the masses.  Rather than continue my folly (at least for this evening) and write about an experience from the day, I have decided to share an important message from the heart instead.

Are you ready?  Here it is:

GOD LOVES YOU!  Yes that's right; the all-powerful, all-knowing, always-present, creator of the universe and all that it entails fancies you!  He even says so in his very own words.  Look it up, I dare you!  It's there in more ways than you might imagine.

"God loves me, so what?" you might say. "How is this relevant in the day-to-day world in which I live?"

Here's my response, If I know that I am already loved and accepted beyond the measure by God, I don't have to live in fear of rejection or failure. I can be free to work hard, take risks, and serve others, not for my own benefit or glory, but for God's.  God's love for me produces a freedom to live life to its full - not in sinful disobedience, but in a worship-filled walk where everything I do is to please Him and Him alone. God's love gives my daily activities a greater purpose.

Knowing God loves me, allows me to work on my relationship with others.  Again, I don't have to fear rejection, because even if man does not love me, God does.  As I serve others, I have provided a path of understanding.  My mantra becomes, "Can I become lens to reflect God's love toward others?"  If so, I proceed.  If not, I stop and change course.  (At least most of the time.)

No fancy theological analogies here, just simple honest truth.  God loves you.  He sent Jesus to die for you.  Jesus was victorious over sin and death so that you could build a love relationship with Him.  He is with you through the Holy Spirit today.

Now that you've heard it, enjoy it and pass it on.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

5K Faith When Pigs Fly

Yesterday I ran my first 5k race ever.  The decision to run in the event (affectionately known as the Flying Pig 5k for all you familiar with The Greater Cincinnati area) was made in part to support my teenage daughter's efforts in the event.   It was quite enjoyable, I might add.

While running, I was struck by a number of observations that are as applicable to our spiritual journeys as they are to the running circuit.  I have decided to post a few here.

Ancient Greek Olympic Stadium Where Foot Races Were Commonly Held  
  1. It is far easier to run the race when we have support.  Just as I encouraged my daughter, and as we were encouraged by the spectators, let's us try to encourage one another in our walks with The Lord.
  2. The better shape we are in to run the race, the better the results.  Just like a runner who uses physical training to discipline the body so it can perform at its peak, Christians need to use spiritual disciplines to train.
  3. Distance races require athletes to pace themselves in order to do well.  So to do Christians.  We must follow the pace set for us by The Lord.  If we get out in front, or fall too far back we run the risk of not finishing well.
  4. Proper hydration and nourishment is important for the runner.  This is also true for the Christian.  We must hydrate in the Living Water daily and feed upon God's Word.
  5. Finally, the race becomes easier to finish when the finish line is in sight.  "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God. - Hebrews 12:1-2

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Good Friday

Now, who can call "Good Friday" good?, A term too oft misunderstood, You who were bought by the blood of His cross You can call "Good Friday" good.

I wish I had been the one to come up with this great quote, but the credit must go to one whose witness shined through his God-given talent of comic strip art.  I remember reading Gary Hart's work in the morning papers and was deeply impressed by the faith broadcast to the reading public without reservation.   More intriguing was the idea that a professional could use his craft to communicate the basic truths of the Gospel message.  What a great example of how we need not all be trained ministers to proclaim the Message, but rather willing vessels, to be used by Our Lord to get the job done!

So, as we draw near this glorious season of the resurrection, let your heart and hands be ready and willing in whatever field you find yourself.   He will equip you with all you need to accomplish His will; His good, pleasing, and perfect will.

And if you find yourself struggling at this time in your life, keep up the faith.  Remember, it may be Friday now, but Sunday's coming!

Grace and Peace to all who may read,

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Head vs. Heart: A Wonderful Example of God's Grace

As I sit typing what might actually be my first blog on my I-device, I am saddened with the realization that one small letter can hold great implications.  Because there is a tendency within the heart of this blogger to focus on the I am instead upon the great I AM, much of the advice I write seems to fall silently upon my own ears.

You see, if you are like me you know what you should do in terms of sharing the Gospel.  You know its truth and power -- that is to say intellectually speaking you know it -- you know that it is the true hope for the world, but for some reason or another that head knowledge has not fully found its way down to the heart.  It has yet to become true heart knowledge.

Within this in mind, I am left with but few options.

1.  I can choose to remain where I am and never fully reach the place the great I AM wants me to be.   The position of hypocrite, lunatic, or liar . . .


2.  I can throw myself at the feet of the cross, seek forgiveness, and allow HIS great mercy and love to pick me up! dust me off! and send me on my way with a renewed passion for HIS glory!

Seems like a no-brainer. . .