Once again I sit at my blog wondering the age old question, where does the time go? My children have gone through another round of birthdays (well almost), my school year finished and is now getting ready to restart, and I never even managed to post once since mid-May. It wasn't that I didn't want to, it just wasn't a priority. In the world of blogging this might not be so important, but in the world of global evangelism time is critical. Avoiding a long-winded commentary about time in other places around the world, all I will say is there is no wonder why we are instructed to be ready in and out of season to proclaim the Gospel. We don't know when Christ will return, but we do know that it could be any day. The Bible says the day of the coming of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. We should plan accordingly. We don't want to be waiting for the bridal party and find that we have run out of oil at the wrong time. Also as I think about the potential shortness of time before Christ's return I have to remind myself of the urgency. How many of my friends, family, or other loved ones will not get to experience the benefit of Christ's redemption b/c I couldn't find the time? How many souls around the world will miss out on the great eternal party with the Father b/c the time wasn't right? I guess I'd better take my own advise and make the most of the time I am given.