I had the chance to visit Colorado recently and was awe struck once again by the majesty of all of God's creation. During my visit though something even more significant happened. It went something like this.
I was playing with my son and daughters after a day of hiking, still mesmerized by the natural beauty. I was missing something even more significant. The next day when asking my son what he enjoyed most about the day, his response was not the hike or the playground, but rather he said it was his "time with Daddy".
What an awesome thought. So often we experience time with our heavenly Father and miss out of the true significance of the moment. We fail to practice what Brother Lawrence referred to as the Presence of God. Our time with "Daddy" is not the most significant time, and it should be.
Our missionary friends around the world seem to have a better understanding of this. For them sometimes "time with Daddy" is the only thing they have to sustain them. They have bought into the promises of God as our Abba - Father. Isn't it time we did the same?