I've been studying the book of Romans with my Sunday morning caregroup/Sunday School class. We've be dissecting Romans 12:1-10 for about three weeks now. Good times! Seriously though the book of Romans is truly an amazing work. So much meat and potatoes on the one hand, and yet filled with the basic milk of salvation on the other. I have enjoyed our study and look forward each week to its continuance.
Our study this week focused on the "manifestation of the Spirit" and spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit working in me and through me to accomplish God's purposes in ways that I could not on my own.
What a great picture of mission work. Our partners in the field recognize the fact that the call to reach every tribe, tonuge, and nation is impossible on their own, but "with God all things are possible." Note that little work all. Not some, not most, but all! What an encouragement!
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift[s].
Grace and Peace