It has been a while since last I wrote. The end of the school year always seems to be a hectic time. But hopefully I can be a little more consistent for all of you who follow these meandering thoughts of mine.
Today I would like to simply think about heroes. As we approach Memorial Day in the United States, I would like to say thank you to America's heroes. Those who give of their time and efforts in order to promote the safety, security, and peace we enjoy in this great land. Thank you to all those serving in the Armed Forces. Thank you especially to those who made the supreme sacrifice. Thank you to our veterans as well.
Thank you to our civil servants as well. Our police, fire, emt, and other medical persons who work tirelessly to keep our cities, towns, villages, blocks, and streets safe and our family, friends, and neighbors healthy.
Thank you to those government officials, teachers, and public attorneys who still strive to do what is best for us as a people not just for themselves.
Finally thank you to all who have served under the banner of Christ, for the sake of the advancement of the Gospel. Many of you have made the ultimate sacrifice and given your own lives for HIS glory's sake. May I rejoice in heaven with you soon.
All of you are heroes, and this blogger thanks you greatly.