It has been said that a bad day fishing is better than a good day at work. Under most circumstances I would have to agree with this. I can remember as a young man, sitting at the end of my grandfather's boatdock on Lake Cumberland casting, reeling, casting, reeling, and casting again. More often then not I didn't catch a thing. That really didn't matter though. I was outdoors enjoying life. I can remember not wanting the day to come to an end, but it always did, so I would pick up my pole and tackle box and head back for the lime-green single-wide trailer that could have easily been dubbed the Jabez Hotel.
These memories got me thinking though. What if my job is fishing? Not the Bill Dance kind of fishing but the kind that Jesus laid out for us in the Gospel, the "I will make you fisher's of men" kind. If I have a bad day in this type of fishing, the consequences may have terrible eternal consequence! How could any good come out of this? To this I reply I don't know, only to say that God's grace covers a multitude of bad "fishing" days. He can turn the worst evangelistic efforts into something for his glory and the worst angler into the next Billy Grahm. So Keep On Casting and Good Fishin'.