Quite often when we think of the mission field, we tend to think that we need to be the great evangelist/missionaries of yester-year. We rationalize to ourselves or others that the Lord has not called us because we are not the Taylors, Livingstons, Moodys, or Grahms of the world. We argue that we don't have the fortitude for missions like an Elliot or a Staines. While doing all of this we miss the obvious -- opportunities for mission that God has placed right in front of us. Opportunities that rarely require us to speak at all. We miss the everyday opportunities to evangelize through acts of kindness, service, and love. We fail to take the time to play with our children. We don't stop to listen to a co-worker or neighbor who's having a rough time. We don't don't offer a helping hand with a non-Christian spouse who is cleaning the house. These opportunities are all around us. We don't always have to go to the "field" to be a missionary, quite often the "field" comes to us. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of the greatest act of love in the history of the world!